This is a blog dedicated to the many great performers and entertainers that we know as professional wrestlers. Its also dedicated to the fans, new and old who wish to relive these events in wrestling history or witness them for the first time. And for the select few that wish to become pro wrestlers themselves, this is where you will get your history lesson.
The Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich whirled right into the WWF after a successful stint in the WCCW. His first match was at SummerSlam 1990 as he replaced an injured Brutus Beefcake. What happens was a title match that Mr. Perfect wasn't very happy with.
Here is a great clip of Sid Justice from Prime Time Wrestling back in the summer of 1991. Sid was slated to be the special referee in the Match from Hell at Summer Slam that year. The match featured Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan and Col. Mustafa against Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. Sean Mooney, Bobby Heenan and the late great Lord Alfred Hayes were the hosts of the show. Sid was calm and collected....but that didn't mean he wasn't a scary bastard!
This is a hilarious clip from earlier this year where Santino is caught making fun of Batista. Santino is so funny that he's one of the best things going in the WWE today.
Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka has always been known for his high flying style. His finisher for years was the top rope body splash. Here is the clip to an old MSG match he had with Don Muraco back in 1983. This is infamous as Snuka had performed the splash from the top of the 15 foot high steel cage. Even though other wrestling superstars such as Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy have matched and even topped this move. But this is important as it was the first.
Jeff Hardy has finally won the WWE Championship after pinning Edge in their triple threat match with Triple H. There is no video of this match just yet but I'm uploading Jeff's theme song for the time being.
Here is a classic match from a 1996 edition of WWF Monday Night Raw. We have the two largest wrestlers in history duking it out...Yokozuna vs. Vader. This is coming off the heels of Wrestlemania 12.
Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steambot goes down as one of the greatest feuds in recent wrestling history. This was the promo for WCW WrestleWar 1989 and its absolutely classic!! If you are a wresting fan or an up and coming wrestler, you definitely need to watch this match...any of their matches! Flair/Steamboat is required viewing for any fan/wrestler!
This is a classic clip from Prime Time Wrestling where Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect played a "recording" from Elizabeth alluding to her "romantic feeling" for Ric. Honestly, Ric and Perfect probably heisted this from Randy Savage's answering machine in order to make this incriminating clip. This was a great feud in 1992, especially after Hulk Hogan had "retired".
Look what happens when Triple H tells Shawn Michaels that Eric Bischoff didn't think DX was controversial. Probably one of the funniest HBK segments ever.
Here is a great clip from Royal Rumble 1992 where Hulk Hogan and Sid Justice sparked their feud. This marked the beginning of the end for Hogan's full time run in the WWF which would lead to a "retirement" match at Wrestlemania VIII. Ric Flair incidentally won the vacated WWF Championship in this match. This particular Royal Rumble goes down as one of my favorites as the winner would become the champion...and there were a lot of top tier guys in this one.
This was a classic and violent feud between the still "retired" Macho Man Randy Savage and the just turned heel Jake the Snake Roberts. This incident sparked their feud which would eventually see Macho Man reinstated. Jake's work here as a sadistic and down right scary villian is classic. For anyone that wants to see what a vicious heel is supposed to be like, watch what Jake does here. It truly is classic.
Here is tonight's daily clip. Rowdy Roddy Piper will go down in history as being one of the best wrestlers performers in history. His "rowdy" personality both as a face and as a heel are not only classic but historic. He is one of very few top wrestlers that never became heavyweight champion...anywhere. Roddy did not win many titles during his career but this clip shows his first and only Intercontinental title win!
This is the first of many Daily Clips that I will be posting on this blog. Tonight's is a very quick match where Diesel aka Kevin Nash wins the then WWF Championship from Bob Backlund. I believe it still stands as being the quickest title match in history.
If you are a true wrestling fan then this film needs to be on your MUST SEE list this holiday season. It's a story about a washed up 80s wrestler (Mickey Rouke) who tries to continue in the wrestling industry despite his ailing health. Not only is his career on the ropes, the relationship with his daughter is at its breaking point.
The concept of the movie is not too different from Jake "the Snake" Robert's own tulmultuous story. Many of the wrestlers from the 80s, because of the lifestyle and the hardships of the industry have either passed away or are living day by day. That's why I see this film as being very imformative and eye opening to everyone who do not truly understand what the industry can truly do to someone.
Critically acclaimed director Darren Aronofsky has put together a real, thought felt wrestling story that can bring this genre the respect it deserves. Take a look at the trailer and let me know what you think.
I am an aspiring screenwriter who has a rather dubious experience with the WWE aka World Wrestling Entertainment. I've been a life long fan of wrestling. Yes I understand that its fake but honestly everything that we watch on television is just that, fake. Our movies and television shows are fake...we know this and it doesn't stop us from watching our favorite shows. Wrestling has evolved a tremendous amount over the last few years as it is part of the cultural consciousness. It would be hard to find someone who has never heard of Hulk Hogan.